Glorious road is narrow, a person can only move forward, not backward; so you should continue in this one narrow road moving forward, because many people are in competition behind you, a bear with a.  光榮的路是狹窄的,一個人只能前進,不能後退;所以你應該繼續在這一條狹路上邁步前進,因為無數競爭的人都在你背後,一個緊隨著一個。

—— William Shakespeare 莎士比亞  

Committee of Asian is a non-profit organization which established from our strongest community leaders in 2021 for helping the community to increase awareness, cultivate inclusiveness and mutual respect of diversity and multicultural aspects of Asian American throughout the community and helping Asian Americans make a better life in American and Achieve American Dream


The Second North American OuYue Cultural Festival


The Second North American OuYue Cultural Festival Celebration Banquet


The Second North American OuYue Cultural Festival


Celebration of The Second North American OuYue Cultural Festival


To gather the strength of Asian people, promote the consensus and centripetal force of Asian ethnic groups, enhance mutual understanding and foster the spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation; Inheriting the excellent Asian cultural heritage, promoting the development of human civilization, scientific and cultural progress, and being enthusiastic about the development of public welfare undertakings and the construction of a right society; To enhance the consciousness of Asian elites to participate in politics and politics, encourage and support Asian participation in politics; To tap the resources and potential of Asian people to create wealth; United, for our common interests, a better future, create bright bright! I. Fu Cheng: Fu inherited the cultural essence of Asian countries, creatively extended, developed and integrated with contemporary culture. Ii. Sharing: Keeping pace with The Times Through various activities and Internet information, more people can understand the culture of different places and changes of The Times, and understand the connection between science and technology and daily life in a simple way. Encourage sharing and dedication, in order to achieve the concept of Asian family! Third, innovation: Demand is the source of innovation. We set up an incentive mechanism based on the characteristics of Asian-americans to stimulate everyone’s wisdom to discover and meet new needs. Lobbying already successful people to contribute money to help and stimulate creative thinking to achieve the ultimate innovation. Fourth, development: As a minority living in North America, Asian people must unite in a planned and systematic way to excavate and exploit resources, including human resources, economic resources and political resources, integrate and utilize resources to develop their career, and then expand and enhance resources from successful career to infinity in a virtuous cycle.

凝聚亚裔的力量,促进亚裔族群的共識与向心力,增進彼此互相了解,培養互助合作精神;传承优秀的亚裔文化遗产,推动人类文明的发展,科技与文化的进步,热心公益事业的发展和平权社会的建设;提高亚裔精英的参政议政 意识,鼓励和支持亚裔参政;广泛挖掘亚裔的资源和潜力, 创造财富;团结一致,为我们共同的利益,美好的未来,共创辉 煌!一,傅承:傅承亚裔各國文化精髓,有創造性地 延申和發展并舆当代文化相融通。二,共享:与时代同进步 籍以各种活动的举办与互联网信息,让更多民眾了解各地的文 化和时代的变化,以简单的方式了解科技与日常生活的关联;鼓励分享和奉献,以期达到亚裔一家的理念!三創新:需求是创新之源,以亚裔自身的特点设立奖励机制,激发每一个人的智慧去发现和满足新的需求;游说已经成功人士出钱出力帮助和激励创造性思维以获得最终的创新成果。四,發展:做为少数族裔生活在北美的亚裔,必须团结一致,有计划有步骤地挖掘和开拓资源,包括人力资源 经济资源和政治资源等,整合和利用资源发展事业,然后 由成功的事业扩大和增强资源,良性循环到无限。

On December 5, 2021, the founding meeting of Asian Co-creation in North America was held in New York. More than 600 Asian American representatives from business and political circles attended the party.



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13129 Sanford Ave, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355